
日期:2015-02-14 来源:招生考试信息网 点击


  1.—Do you think I can pass the driving test?
  —________,I’m afraid.
  A.Of course      B.You can
  C.Not a chance  D.Not a little
  2.After________careful consideration,they finally decided that each child will be offered________university education.
  A.the;a  B./;an
  C.a;an  D./;a
  3.The flood last month in the east was a real disaster,________19 people dead and 78 missing.
  A.to leave  B.left
  C.leaving  D.having left
  4.The worker earned little money a month,so he had to________only fast noodles.
  A.exist on  B.exist in
  C.lie in  D.lie on
  5.________is well known to everyone,I should say,is that a man becomes learned by asking questions.
  A.Who   B.It
  C.As   D.What
  6.It is shown that men have________as women do on average while driving according to recent statistics.
  A.twice as many serious accidents
  B.serious accidents as twice many
  C.twice serious accidents as many
  D.serious accidents as many twice
  7.It’s really a small world!I________we would meet here.
  A.don’t think  B.haven’t thought
  C.didn’t think  D.won’t think
  8.The new traffic rules that took effect on January 1 are much stricter than________in the past.
  A.that  B.this
  C.it  D.those
  9.I admire Stephen Hawking greatly,whose________about black holes has a great effect on astronomy.
  A.theory  B.practice
  C.way  D.method
  10.Has some bad thing happened to her?It’s________her to drink so much.
  A.like  B.dislike
  C.unlike  D.alike
  11.People hope that measures will be taken to________house prices rising.
  A.keep  B.prevent
  C.protect  D.support
  12.—I am dead tired.I can’t walk farther,Tom.
  —________,John.You can do it.
  A.So what  B.Congratulations
  C.Cheer up  D.Go ahead
  13.He doesn’t plan to go back to his home________he makes a fortune in Hong Kong.
  A.while   B.since
  C.or   D.until
  14. ________you like the portable personal computer so much,why not buy one?
  A.So that   B.Now that
  C.Even if  D.In case
  15.Generally speaking,the Internet makes________possible for people to get the information they need quickly.
  A.them   B.themselves
  C.it   D.that空


  In the spring of 1919,Princess Bazaar of Luxembourg’s royal family met the royal kitchen helper Leon.Many nights,Leon went into the kitchen and made ice­cream for Bazaar.They always talked about the good times__1__they were having ice­cream.They soon fell in love.But__2__their different social status,both of them buried the feelings.
  Soon,Bazaar was made to accept an arranged royal marriage.For days,Leon could not see Bazaar,he was burning with impatience.Finally,Bazaar __3__at the table a month later.While serving desserts,Leon wrote the letters DOVE,which represent DO YOU LOVE ME with hot chocolate on Bazaar’s ice­cream.Leon__4__that Bazaar could understand his feelings.
  A few days later,Bazaar got married.Leon could not__5__the mental suffering and left the royal kitchen.Many years later,they met again.Bazaar remembered that afternoon she ate the ice­cream made by Leon,but didn’t see the__6__letters then.
  Hearing this,Leon broke down in tears,and he finally understood the past__7__.If that chocolate had been solid,those letters would never have disappeared,and he would not have lost his last chance.Leon decided to create a solid chocolate which can__8__a long time.
  Finally the chocolate Dove was made and each piece of chocolate was__9__carved with the letters “DOVE”.It’s a__10__of the love between Leon and Bazaar.
  Now many people fall in love with this chocolate.Giving someone DOVE means sending the whisper of love:DO YOU LOVE ME?
  1.A.until   B.since
  C.while  D.after
  2.A.because of   B.thanks to
  C.apart from   D.regardless of
  3.A.stood up   B.turned up
  C.stayed up   D.dressed up
  4.A.expected   B.declared
  C.allowed   D.promised
  5.A.reduce   B.stop
  C.repeat   D.bear
  6.A.confusing   B.interesting
  C.melting   D.annoying
  7.A.misunderstandings   B.suffering
  C.judgment   D.prejudice
  8.A.stand   B.spare
  C.take   D.preserve
  9.A.luckily   B.immediately
  C.quickly  D.firmly
  10.A.signal   B.sign
  C.mark   D.symbol


  Moving to a new neighborhood,town,state,or even country can be a pretty scary experience.All you know is that things will be different and chances are you won’t know the kids at your new school.
  The experiences that go with moving make many kids feel nervous and worried.This is perfectly normal but don’t let these emotions overrun your thoughts!You will soon get used to your surroundings and find new friends at your new school.
  Leaving old friends and familiar places behind can be difficult.However,as you begin the moving process,keep in mind that saying goodbye to your old house,school,and friends does not mean that you have to forget them or that your farewell is permanent!If you’re moving to a new state or even a different country and won’t see your friends for a long nme,don’t despair.Make sure to ask everyone for their address so you can write them letters.Also,thanks to the Internet,it is very easy to stay in touch through email or instant messaging technologies.With your parent’s permission,you can even create a blog or web page to chronicle all of your new experiences.Include your thoughts,tales of your new adventures,even pictures of new friends,your new house,and new town.Your old friends will love seeing what you are busy with.
  Many schools have an orientation program where a student already established at the school shows a new student around for their first week.This can help you to find your way around the school and to make new friends faster.
  While moving is tough on kids of any age,high school counselor Karen Turner says moves can be particularly difficult for teens.“I think moving during adolescents is an extremely stressful experience,especially if you are into your junior high or senior year.Students tend to have established a very strong peer network during that period in their lives.Often this has more influence on them even than their families in some cases,and when they are torn from that there’s often resentment (怨气).” However,Turner adds that while moving isn’t easy,there are things that your parents and the school can do to help you cope with the change.
  1.Who are the intended readers of the passage?
  A.Education experts.   B.School teachers.
  C.Parents.  D.Students.
  2.Which of the following is mainly suggested in Paragraph 3?
  A.Staying in contact with old friends.
  B.Expressing yourself when it is possible.
  C.Forming good habits at school.
  D.Keeping positive about your new school.
  3.According to the passage,an orientation program________.
  A.helps local students in many ways
  B.is organized by new students
  C.offers help to new students
  D.focuses on all the students at school
  4.According to the passage,Karen Turner may agree that________.
  A.many parents seem to care little about their children
  B.teens can easily be attached to their friends
  C.parents should communicate with the school teachers
  D.teens tend to behave rudely in a new school
  5.If this passage continues,what would the author further discuss?
  A.What a new school is like.
  B.why parents move with their children.
  C.How parents and the school can help the children.
  D.How children can express their anxiety.


  Dear David,
  Li Hua


  1.解析: 考查交际用语。句意为:——你认为我能通过驾照考试吗?——恐怕不可能。not a chance不可能,符合语境。
  答案: C
  2.解析: 考查冠词。句意为:仔细考虑后,他们最后决定要让每个孩子都接受大学教育。consideration在此意为“考虑”是不可数名词,其前不需要用冠词。a university education指大学教育。
  答案: D
  3.解析: 考查非谓语动词。句意为:上个月在东部的洪水真的是一场灾难。它导致19人死亡,78人失踪。leave的逻辑主语是The flood,二者之间构成主谓关系。
  答案: C
  4.解析: 考查动词短语意义。句意为:这个工人一个月挣的钱很少,因此不得不靠方便面度日。 exist on靠……生存;exist in存在于……中;lie in在于……;位于……;lie on与……接壤。
  答案: A
  5.解析: 考查名词性从句。句意为:我应该说,众所周知要长学问,就得多问。句中的I should say是插入语,因此空处应填引导主语从句的连词What。
  答案: D
  6.解析: 考查倍数表达法。句意为:最近的数据表明,男士在开车时发生的严重事故平均是女士的两倍。此处用的是倍数表达方式“倍数词+as many+名词...as...”。
  答案: A
  7.解析: 考查动词时态。句意为:世界真小!没料到我们会在这相遇。由语境可知,在说话前没有料到会在这相遇,故预料这个动作发生在说话之前,应用一般过去时。
  答案: C
  8.解析: 考查代词辨析。句意为:1月1号实行的新交规(rules)比过去的那些(those)更严格。rules为复数,所以应用those代替。
  答案: D
  9.解析: 考查名词词义辨析。句意为:我非常崇拜史蒂芬·霍金,他的黑洞理论对天文学产生了很大影响。theory理论;practice练习;way方法;method方法。结合句意,选A。
  答案: A
  10.解析: 句意为:她发生不好的事情了吗?喝那么多的酒不像她的风格。It’s unlike sb.to do sth.做……不像某人平常的样子。
  答案: C
  11.解析: 考查动词词义。句意为:人们希望采取措施阻止房价上升。prevent...(from)...阻止……干……,与句意相符。keep...from...阻止……干……,介词from不能省。
  答案: B
  12.解析: 考查交际用语。so what那又怎样;congratulations祝贺,恭喜;cheer up振奋起来,加油;go ahead说吧;干吧。
  答案: C
  13.解析: 考查状语从句。句意为:他是不会回家的,直到他在香港发了财。not...until...为固定句式,意为“直到……才……”,故选D。
  答案: D
  14.解析: 考查短语辨析。句意为:既然你这么喜欢手提电脑,你为什么不买一款呢?so that以便;所以;now that既然;even if即使;in case以防,万一。只有B项符合句意。
  答案: B
  15.解析: 考查it的用法。句意为:互联网让人们快速获得他们需要的信息成为可能。分析题目可知空格处要用it充当形式宾语,而后面的动词不定式为真正的宾语。
  答案: C
  语篇解读  本文为一篇记叙文。内容讲述了德芙巧克力来源的故事。
  1.解析: 考查连词辨析。句意为:1919年的春天,卢森堡王室的芭莎公主遇到了她们的御用厨师莱昂。很多个晚上,莱昂都会进入厨房为芭莎公主制作冰激凌。他们一边制作冰激凌一边谈论着美好的时光。while意为“当……时候”,强调动作同时发生,符合语意语境。
  答案: C
  2.解析: 考查介词短语辨析。句意为:很快他们便坠入了爱河。但由于社会地位的巨大差距,他们都将这份情感深埋在了心底。A项意为“因为,由于”;B项意为“幸亏”;C项意为“除了……”;D项意为“不管,不顾”。根据语境可知,前后两分句为因果关系,故答案选A。
  答案: A
  3.解析: 考查动词短语辨析。句意为:终于在一个月后,芭莎出现在餐桌上。A项意为“站起来,起立”;B项意为“出现,调大”;C项意为“熬夜”;D项意为“化妆,打扮”。此处与上文中的“For days,Leon could not see Bazaar”相照应,故答案选B。
  答案: B
  4.解析: 考查动词辨析。句意为:在准备甜点的时候,莱昂在芭莎的冰激凌上用热巧克力写了几个英文字母“DOVE”这是“DO YOU LOVE ME”的英文缩写。莱昂期盼着芭莎能理解他对她的感情。A项意为“期盼”;B项意为“宣布”;C项意为“允许”;D项意为“承诺”。
  答案: A
  5.解析: 考查动词辨析。句意为:几天之后,芭莎出嫁了。莱昂无法忍受相思的折磨,离开了王室后厨。A项意为“减少”;B项意为“停止”;C项意为“重复”;D项意为“忍受”。此处要注意语境,不要误选B项。莱昂的离开是因为不能忍受对公主的思念,故答案选D。
  答案: D
  6.解析:  考查形容词辨析。句意为:多年后,他们再次相遇。芭莎记得那天下午她吃到了莱昂为她制作的冰激凌,但却没看到那些融化的字母。A项意为“令人迷惑的”;B项意为“有趣的”;C项意为“融化的”;D项意为“令人恼怒的”。
  答案: C
  7.解析: 考查名词辨析。句意为:听到这些,莱昂泣不成声,过去的误解终于有了答案。根据上文内容可知,由于芭莎公主没有看到那些融化的字母,造成他们之间产生了误解,因此应用misunderstanding一词。
  答案: A
  8.解析: 考查动词辨析。句意为:如果当年那巧克力是固体的,那些字就永远不会融化,他也就不会失去最后一次机会。莱昂决定制作一种固体巧克力,使其可以保存更久。根据语意可知,应用preserve(保存)一词。
  答案: D
  9.解析: 考查副词辨析。句意为:最终,德芙巧克力制成了,每一块巧克力上都被牢牢地刻上“DOVE”。A项意为“幸运地”;B项意为“立即”;C项意为“快速地”;D项意为“牢牢地”。此处与上文中的融化形成对比,故答案选D。
  答案: D
  10.解析: 考查名词辨析。句意为:它是莱昂与芭莎公主爱情的象征。A项意为“信号”;B项意为“标记,征兆”;C项意为“记号”;D项意为“象征”,用来表示抽象意义,符合语意语境。
  答案: D
  语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。对青少年来说,搬家会令他们感到紧张和忧虑,因为这意味着要离开熟悉的环境、特别是熟悉的朋友们。对此,本文给出了一些建议来帮助青少年尽快适应新的环境。
  1.解析: 推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句“You will soon get used to your surroundings and find new friends at your new school.”可知,其中的“You”实际上指的就是学生,即本文的目标读者。
  答案: D
  2.解析: 细节理解题。根据第三段内容可知,该段主要是讲述如果你搬到一个新地方,很长时间看不到朋友,不要绝望,可以通过信件、网络等方式与老朋友保持联系。
  答案: A
  3.解析: 细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句“This can help you to find your way around the school and to make new friends faster.”可知,“导向计划”是给新学生提供帮助。
  答案: C
  4.解析: 细节理解题。根据最后一段Karen Tuner所说的话可知,搬家对青少年来说尤其困难,因为此时他们在生活中已经建立了深厚的友谊,因此不愿离开朋友,也就是说,青少年更容易依恋他们的朋友。
  答案: B
  5.解析: 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段最后一句提到“there are things that your parents and the school can do to help you cope with the change.”可推测出,如果短文继续写下去,作者讨论的应该是父母和学校怎样来帮助孩子们。
  答案: C
  Dear David,
  How have you been recently?I’m glad to know that you spent the Spring Festival in China,and enjoyed the traditional Chinese customs and culture.
  As you know,happily enjoying food during the Spring Festival is one of our customs,which has been passed down since long time ago.Just as you say,some people are unaware of food waste,and they don’t care at all when they can’t finish the food on their plates.They even throw it away if they don’t like the taste,especially when friends or relatives get together in a restaurant.
  However,not all people have the habit of wasting food.The good news is that people are already beginning to take action.“Clear your plate” campaign has been promoted in some restaurants.At home or on campus,I have formed the habit of eating up the food on the plate.
  I’m afraid I have to stop here.Look forward to your next coming.

  Li Hua

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(文章来源招生考试网,转载请注明原文出处: https://www.sczsxx.com/html/gaokaoziyuan/yingyu/2015/0214/2015yylx14.html)
